Senin, 05 Mei 2008

Meaning Assembler

Assembler is language computer which position among language of machine and high language level for example Language of C or Pascal. Language of C or Pascal told as high language level because hence easy statement and words understood by human being, though a long way off differ from the real human being language. Machine language is binary code representing instruction which deflect run by computer. Program in language assembler consisted of by some code operate(op code) and pseudo ops. Op Code is command to be executed (usually written in mnemonic), while can be consisted of the source and address target. Pseudeo Operation ( pseudo op) is a command to assembler to announce what must be done to data, conditional branching, govern the macro and listing.


Register represent some of microprocessor which can be accessed with the very high speed. Register divided to become 5 shares that is :
  1. Segment Register, consisted of the register CS(CODE Segment), DS(DATA Segment), ES(EXTRA Segment) and SS(STACK Segment).
  2. Pointer And Index Register, consisted of the register SP(Stack Pointer), BP(Base Pointer), SI(Source Index), DI(Destination Index).
  3. General Purpose Register, consisted of the register AX, BX, CX, and DX. This Register each representing register 16 bit which can be disjointed to become 2 shares, where each shares consisted of 8 bit, that is register AH, AL, BRA, BL, CH, CL, DH, DL.
  4. Index of Pointer Register, consisted of the register IP. this Register IP paired by register CS ( CS:IP).
  5. Flags Register.



  • Input Character use the interrupt 21h and service 01h.
  • Output Character use the interrupt 21h and service 02h.


  • Input Sentence use the interrupt 21h and service 0ah.
  • Output Sentence use the interrupt 21h and service 09h.

Looping executed in register CX as counter to the number of looping to be executed.

Minggu, 04 Mei 2008

Linus Torvalds

Linus Benedict Torvalds (lahir 28 Desember 1969 di Helsinki, Finlandia) adalah rekayasawan perangkat lunak Finlandia yang dikenal sebagai perintis pengembangan kernel Linux. Ia sekarang bertindak sebagai koordinator proyek tersebut.
Linux terinsipirasi oleh Minix (suatu sistem operasi yang dikembangkan oleh Andrew S. Tanenbaum) untuk mengembangkan suatu sistem operasi mirip-Unix (Unix-like) yang dapat dijalankan pada suatu PC. Linux sekarang dapat dijalankan pada berbagai arsitektur lain.