Programming language is the language used in the computer to perform certain tasks. As well as the language used in human in general, programming languages many kinds. Programming languages can be categorized based on levels, such as low level language, the language level is, high level language.
low level language is very mechanical, and difficult to be understood by humans. This language using binary code, which can be understood by the computer hardware and have a very good ability in accessing hardware. One of the language entry in this category is the assembly
Middle level language is the language of the rules written language approach similar to the human language but have a high level of ability and speed the process of accessing hardware similar to the low level language. One of the languages that enter this category is C. High level language is a programming language that is more close to human language. Most high level language has syntax to use the English language. In creating a program, programmers use a very general language, high level, such as C, Pascal, Basic.
Computers are machines that can perform a basic command (instruction set). Computers can only be given command of basic commands such. The commands are more complicated should be translated into a series of basic commands that can be understood computer (the commands included in the instruction set computer) that can ultimately resolve the desired task, even with the run some basic operation, not a complicated operation.
Programming language is a language that can be translated into a collection of basic commands such. Translation done by a computer program called a compiler. Each programming language has its own compiler. For example, C + + compiler will not understand the program written with the Java language. The syntax of programming languages more easily understood by the people of the basic syntax. However, of course, the computer can only perform the basic commands. But the place where the important role of the compiler as a mediator between the programming language with the command base.
Senin, 08 Desember 2008
Senin, 01 Desember 2008
Output yielded from data processing can be classified into 4 kinds of form :
- Article, consisted of the letter, word, number, special character and other symbol.
- Image, in a graph or draw.
- Voice, in the form of music or verbal.
- Form which can be read by machine (machine - readable form), in the form of symbol which can only be read and understood by computer.
Three first faction is output which can be used direct by human being, faction is fourthly is usually used as by a input to be processed or as input for the computer of other.
To get the forms output is hence required by a appliance to present it, that is appliance output. Output device can the in form of as follows:
- Hard copy the device, in the form of appliance used to print the article (word, number, special character, and symbol). And also image (graph or draw) at media hard of like for example paper or film.
- Soft copy the device, in the form of appliance used to present the article (word, number, special character, and symbol-symbol). And also image (graph or draw) at media soft which is in the form of signal electronic.
- Drive Device or driver. In the form of device used for the record of symbol in the form of which can only be read by machine (machine - readable form) at media of like for example disk of magnetic or tape magnetic. Activator appliance of like this double function, as a means of output also as a means of input.
Output of is in form of hard copy in character permanent and more portable. Device of Output hard copy the device which common used is printer classified by into two categories of impact printer and non impact printer. Output device hard copy the other device is plotter and computer output to microfilm. While soft copy the device can be in the form of the video display, flat panel and speaker. Drive Device utilizing media of disk magnetic is disk drive, while utilizing media of tape magnetic is tape drive.