Senin, 08 Desember 2008


Programming language is the language used in the computer to perform certain tasks. As well as the language used in human in general, programming languages many kinds. Programming languages can be categorized based on levels, such as low level language, the language level is, high level language.
low level language is very mechanical, and difficult to be understood by humans. This language using binary code, which can be understood by the computer hardware and have a very good ability in accessing hardware. One of the language entry in this category is the assembly
Middle level language is the language of the rules written language approach similar to the human language but have a high level of ability and speed the process of accessing hardware similar to the low level language. One of the languages that enter this category is C. High level language is a programming language that is more close to human language. Most high level language has syntax to use the English language. In creating a program, programmers use a very general language, high level, such as C, Pascal, Basic.
Computers are machines that can perform a basic command (instruction set). Computers can only be given command of basic commands such. The commands are more complicated should be translated into a series of basic commands that can be understood computer (the commands included in the instruction set computer) that can ultimately resolve the desired task, even with the run some basic operation, not a complicated operation.
Programming language is a language that can be translated into a collection of basic commands such. Translation done by a computer program called a compiler. Each programming language has its own compiler. For example, C + + compiler will not understand the program written with the Java language. The syntax of programming languages more easily understood by the people of the basic syntax. However, of course, the computer can only perform the basic commands. But the place where the important role of the compiler as a mediator between the programming language with the command base.

Senin, 01 Desember 2008



Output yielded from data processing can be classified into 4 kinds of form :

  1. Article, consisted of the letter, word, number, special character and other symbol.
  2. Image, in a graph or draw.
  3. Voice, in the form of music or verbal.
  4. Form which can be read by machine (machine - readable form), in the form of symbol which can only be read and understood by computer.

Three first faction is output which can be used direct by human being, faction is fourthly is usually used as by a input to be processed or as input for the computer of other.

To get the forms output is hence required by a appliance to present it, that is appliance output. Output device can the in form of as follows:

  1. Hard copy the device, in the form of appliance used to print the article (word, number, special character, and symbol). And also image (graph or draw) at media hard of like for example paper or film.
  2. Soft copy the device, in the form of appliance used to present the article (word, number, special character, and symbol-symbol). And also image (graph or draw) at media soft which is in the form of signal electronic.
  3. Drive Device or driver. In the form of device used for the record of symbol in the form of which can only be read by machine (machine - readable form) at media of like for example disk of magnetic or tape magnetic. Activator appliance of like this double function, as a means of output also as a means of input.

Output of is in form of hard copy in character permanent and more portable. Device of Output hard copy the device which common used is printer classified by into two categories of impact printer and non impact printer. Output device hard copy the other device is plotter and computer output to microfilm. While soft copy the device can be in the form of the video display, flat panel and speaker. Drive Device utilizing media of disk magnetic is disk drive, while utilizing media of tape magnetic is tape drive.

Senin, 24 November 2008

Direct Input Device

Direct Input device enable processed directly by CPU of through this input device beforehand input to external deposit media, so that enable the direct interaction of between wearer with system computer. Direct input appliance can be classified into some faction that is keyboard, pointing device, scanner, censor, and voice recognizer.
  • Keyboard
Keyboard is input device which most commonly and a lot of used. Input to appliance input process by typing pass the knob to press of exist in keyboard. Keyboard as a means of direct input, usually consorted with a appearance to present what depressed by keyboard. Keyboard with displayed this represent a terminal.
  • Pointing Device
For certain, for example graph making or draw the. Input appliance which is in the form of pointing device for example Mouse, Touch Screen, Light Pen.

1. Mouse
Mouse is pointing device used to arrange the position of cursor in screen. By shifting mouse area which level off for example desk, cursor in screen will shift as according to direction from friction mouse. After cursor take possession of the certain position [is] wanted in screen, you can button exist in mouse for a few need, depended from some program used , for example to choose a screen choice.

2. Touch Screen
Touch Screen is monitor screen to activate the program if certain shares in screen touched by hand. For example screen present some choice to be selected, shares which you select to earn you do touching it.

3. Light pen
With light pen enable the you to touch a dot of screen and computer will read the location. If at your touch screen touch by hand , hence at your light pen touch the screen position with pen. With light pen, position of screen touch will be more precisely and more accurate. This technology a lot of used to make the graph and draw in planning constructively computer.
  • Scanner
Input device which is in the form of scanner work by groping in input electronic to be read. appliance of Input scanner can be in the form of the Magnetic Ink Character Recognition ( MICR) And Optical of Data Reader.
  • Censor
Censor represent the appliance capable to directly catch the data of physical occurrence. Analogous data collected by appliance sensor and input to incoming changer Analog-To-Analog converter will be processed by computer.
  • Voice Recognizer
Voice Recognizer or speech recognizer make the computer understand the said human being command. Voice Recognizer use the microphone to catch voice as input. Although now computer have earned to accept the input voice, but do not all voice of human being comprehensibility by computer.

Senin, 17 November 2008

Categorize Software

Computer will not can do the something without existence of software. Sophisticated technology from hardware will function if certain instruction have been given. The instruction referred as with the software. Software instruction writed by human being to activate the function from hardware of computer.
Computer have some is formed usefulness and attached in it to can to answer to the given instruction. Every hardware which made by a different factory, having characteristic and way of operation which different each other, so that will complicate the somebody to write the software use to activate the hardware, to overcome the mentioned, hence made a software which called by operating system.
Operating System represent the software writed by functioning factory as mediator usher hardware with the software writed by wearer computer. System Operation to arrange all operation from hardware computer, thereby wearer computer needn't have to correlate and understand correct how hardware work. Like for example program computer just to write the command print to present something at screen without having to know how the hardware to do something, because the duty have been conducted by operating system.
Instruction writed by maker program conducted by using a certain programming language. Like have been known that the computer recognize the signal electronic, what is in binary code deputized with the value 1 and 0. And so do instruction ought to writed have to in the form of understandable binary number so that by computer. However this matter is difficult very and will make the frustration of the maker program (programmer). To overcome this matter, hence instruction can be made with a certain programming language and translated to machine language understood by computer with a software which called by language software.
Intention from system of data processing is to finish a certain problem, that is by existing to process data by using a program writed by programming computer. Program writed programming computer to solve a certain problem by using programming language referred as with the application software.
Thereby software can be categorized into three shares :
  1. Operating System, namely program writed to control and coordinate the activity from system computer.
  2. Language software, namely program used to translate the instruction which written in programming language to understandable machine so that by computer.
  3. Application software, namely program writed and translated by language software to finish a certain application.
Term of system software concerning second of first category, that is operating system software and language software.

Senin, 10 November 2008

Topology Network

Topology network

WAN and LAN can the in form of simplest, that is star network, hierarchical tree network, loop network, ring network, bus network, web network until most complex, that is meta network (network from a network). Form of the network that is with the topology term.


Some node connected with a central node or host node that have the shape of network as form star. All communications handled and arranged and arranged direct by central node. Central Node to do something all responsibility to arrange the information current of among node the other. If node which is one wishing to communicate with the node the other , hence have to go through central node. Central Node usually in the form of large computer or mainframe computer which to connected with other node, which form of some mini computer or micro computer to through a link.


From by name, this network have the shape of tree, which consisted of central node attributed to node the other. Central Node usually in the form of large computer or mainframe computer as host computer which to constitute top hierarchical and have function to control the node which can in the form of mini computer or micro computer.


Loop Network is link between node serially in the form of a circle be closed. In the form of this nothing central node or host node, all having same status.


This form of connecting some node in data flow. Each node can to do something the operation duty which different each other. As does at loop network, nothing central node and all node have the same status.


This form of representing merger form the loop network and bus network. If one of node do not function or destroy , hence will not influence the other communications node because separated from data flow. This matter differ from the loop network, if one of destroyed node, hence will influence the node the other.


Web network or mesh network or completely connected network is the form network which is each node in network can connect with node other to through some link.

Senin, 03 November 2008

Central Processing Unit

CPU ( central processing unit) is place process the instruction program. At micro computer, this processor namely as microprocessor. CPU consisted of two bodywork. That is control unit and ALU(arithmetic and logic unit). Beside two the bodywork, CPU have some savings which small size and namely is register.

  • Control Unit

This shares undertake to arrange and control all equipments of exist in system computer. Control Unit arrange when input appliance accept the data and when data appliance processed and also when presented at appliance output. Control Unit interpret the instruction from program computer, to bring data from input appliance to main memory, taking data from main memory to be processed. If there are any instruction for the calculation of arithmetic or logic comparison, control unit send the instruction to arithmetic and logic unit. Result from this data processing brought by control unit to main memory again to be kept.

Become the duty from control unit that is :

  • Arranging and controlling appliance of input and output.

  • Taking instruction from main memory.

  • Taking data from main memory when needed by process.

  • Sending instruction to ALU(arithmetic and logic unit) if there are any calculation of arithmetic or logic comparison and also observe the job of arithmetic and logic unit.

  • To keep of result of process to main memory

  • Arithmetic And Logic Unit

Especial duty from ALU (arithmetic and logic unit) is to perform all calculation of arithmetic or mathematics that happened as according to instruct ALU to perform operate the arithmetic und accretion, operate for the arithmetic the other. of like reduction , multiplication, and other quantifying .ion program. So that electronic circuit in ALU used to execute the this operation arithmetic is referred as by adder. Other duty from ALU is to perform the decision from logic operation as according to instruction program the. Logic operation covering comparison of two logic element by using logic operator.

  • Register

Register used to be depository of instruction and data which being processed by CPU, instruction and other data awaiting innings to be processed still be kept in main memory.

Senin, 27 Oktober 2008


Network from system of data communications to involve one or more system computer which to connect with line transmission of communication to form one system. With network, computer which one can use the data which to get on other computer. Network to form the way of very good for integrating system information and to channel the information current from one area to other area. To form a system network, required a special software communication, that is protocol.

Component from a network is node and link. Node is dot which can accept the data input into network or yield the output information. Node can be in the form of a printer or appliance print other, or a PC or micro computer until big mainframe computer.

Link is channel or transmission line or carrier for the current of information or data of among node. Link can be in the form of the cable , microwave system, laser of system or satellite system. Network which is each located node in location which far one with other and use the link in the form of transmission line of long distance that is WAN (Wide of Area Network). While network which is each separate node in distance which local and use the link in the form of transmission line cable that is LAN ( Local Area Network).

Senin, 20 Oktober 2008

Asking & Answering Questions

  1. Asking & answering questions
  • Yes / No Questions (Do or did)
Dou you like play football?
Yes, I do

Football very liked by everybody and all circle. Many people liked football. Because this sport playable by many people. In a team have eleven player to play at field, and there are some player as reserve player, and in a match there are referee and referee assistant.


So that computer applicable to process data, hence have to the in form of system computer. System is network from at elements which interact. Forming one union to execute target from the system.

Target from system computer is data process to yield the information. An the fundamental target executed, hence elements there must be supporting. Elements from system computer is software, hardware, and brainware.

  • Hardware is equipments of system computer which physically seen and can be touched.

  • Software is containing program govern to processing data.

  • Brainware is human being in concerned in operating and also arrange the system computer.

Third of the element system computer to have interact and form one union. Hardware without existence of software, hence will not function such as those which expected, only in the form of dead object. Software to operate the hardware. Hardware done supported by software nor will function except that there is human being operating.

Senin, 05 Mei 2008

Meaning Assembler

Assembler is language computer which position among language of machine and high language level for example Language of C or Pascal. Language of C or Pascal told as high language level because hence easy statement and words understood by human being, though a long way off differ from the real human being language. Machine language is binary code representing instruction which deflect run by computer. Program in language assembler consisted of by some code operate(op code) and pseudo ops. Op Code is command to be executed (usually written in mnemonic), while can be consisted of the source and address target. Pseudeo Operation ( pseudo op) is a command to assembler to announce what must be done to data, conditional branching, govern the macro and listing.


Register represent some of microprocessor which can be accessed with the very high speed. Register divided to become 5 shares that is :
  1. Segment Register, consisted of the register CS(CODE Segment), DS(DATA Segment), ES(EXTRA Segment) and SS(STACK Segment).
  2. Pointer And Index Register, consisted of the register SP(Stack Pointer), BP(Base Pointer), SI(Source Index), DI(Destination Index).
  3. General Purpose Register, consisted of the register AX, BX, CX, and DX. This Register each representing register 16 bit which can be disjointed to become 2 shares, where each shares consisted of 8 bit, that is register AH, AL, BRA, BL, CH, CL, DH, DL.
  4. Index of Pointer Register, consisted of the register IP. this Register IP paired by register CS ( CS:IP).
  5. Flags Register.



  • Input Character use the interrupt 21h and service 01h.
  • Output Character use the interrupt 21h and service 02h.


  • Input Sentence use the interrupt 21h and service 0ah.
  • Output Sentence use the interrupt 21h and service 09h.

Looping executed in register CX as counter to the number of looping to be executed.

Minggu, 04 Mei 2008

Linus Torvalds

Linus Benedict Torvalds (lahir 28 Desember 1969 di Helsinki, Finlandia) adalah rekayasawan perangkat lunak Finlandia yang dikenal sebagai perintis pengembangan kernel Linux. Ia sekarang bertindak sebagai koordinator proyek tersebut.
Linux terinsipirasi oleh Minix (suatu sistem operasi yang dikembangkan oleh Andrew S. Tanenbaum) untuk mengembangkan suatu sistem operasi mirip-Unix (Unix-like) yang dapat dijalankan pada suatu PC. Linux sekarang dapat dijalankan pada berbagai arsitektur lain.