WAN and LAN can the in form of simplest, that is star network, hierarchical tree network, loop network, ring network, bus network, web network until most complex, that is meta network (network from a network). Form of the network that is with the topology term.
Some node connected with a central node or host node that have the shape of network as form star. All communications handled and arranged and arranged direct by central node. Central Node to do something all responsibility to arrange the information current of among node the other. If node which is one wishing to communicate with the node the other , hence have to go through central node. Central Node usually in the form of large computer or mainframe computer which to connected with other node, which form of some mini computer or micro computer to through a link.
From by name, this network have the shape of tree, which consisted of central node attributed to node the other. Central Node usually in the form of large computer or mainframe computer as host computer which to constitute top hierarchical and have function to control the node which can in the form of mini computer or micro computer.
Loop Network is link between node serially in the form of a circle be closed. In the form of this nothing central node or host node, all having same status.
This form of connecting some node in data flow. Each node can to do something the operation duty which different each other. As does at loop network, nothing central node and all node have the same status.
This form of representing merger form the loop network and bus network. If one of node do not function or destroy , hence will not influence the other communications node because separated from data flow. This matter differ from the loop network, if one of destroyed node, hence will influence the node the other.
Web network or mesh network or completely connected network is the form network which is each node in network can connect with node other to through some link.
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